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Air Pollution |
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What is air pollution
Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological ch-
aracteristics of the air we breath, water we drink and land we live. It is the unf-
avourable alteration of the environment partly or completely as a byproduct of
man's activities through direct or indirect effects of change in energy patterns,ra-
diation levels, chemical and physical conditions and over production of or-
Air pollution is considered to be the most common and dangerous type of
environmental pollution. Industrial and metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai,
Calcutta, Madras, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Firozabad, London, Newyork, Tokyo etc. are mostly affected by air pollution. The first recordered event of air pollution was observed in the Meuse valley of Belgium in 1930. The Donora, Pennsylvania incident of killingsmog, 1948 was a dreadful instance of air pollution. Nearly 4500 people were died in London, 1952 due to "Deadlier smog" an example of air Pollution. According to Newell (1971) 164 million tons of pollutants enter the air of united states every year. (What is air pollution). The worst event of air pollution took place in Bhopal in 3rd December, 1984 due to leakage of MIC (methyl-iso-cyanata) a toxic gas from the Union Carbide Pesticide plant. More than 5000 people were killed and some 50,000 were seriously affected and many went blind.
Air pollutants are generally found in gaseous forms as well as in the form of particles mixed with the gases of atmosphere. Some of the common poll-
tants are :
1. Carbon Dioxide:
Carbon dioxide found in atmosphere in
low concentrations (about 0.03%) and
helpful in photosynthesis of plants.
However its higher concentration in
atmosphere causes adverse effects to
all the organisms.
2. Carbon Monoxide :
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous
air pollutant. It is formed from the
incomplete combustion of carbon
compounds. Automobiles release
carbon monoxide using fossil fuels,
closed rooms with blocked furnace
fires in homes, natural gases in closed
areas etc. release carbon monoxide
causing the death of several hundred
people and animals each year. The
toxic effects of. carbon monoxide on
man and animals result due to its
reversible combination with hae-
moglobin of the blood which lessens
the oxygen carrying capacity of
haemoglobin, plants are affected by
carbon monoxide at a higher
concentration in atmosphere.
3. Oxides of Sulphur:
Sulphur dioxide (SO2), sulphur trioxide
(SO) are also causing air pollution.
Sulphur oxides damage materials by
their conversion to sulphuric acid.
Marble, limestone, slate etc. are
damaged due to the effect of sulphuric
acid. The corrosion of metals like iron,
zinc, copper etc. takes place by oxides
of sulphur. Plant and animals including
human beings are greatly affected due
to air pollution caused by sulphur
4. Hydrogen Sulphide:
It is a colourless toxis gas with pungent
odour. The gas is mostly released from
decaying plant and animal materials.
Sulphur springs, Volcanic discharges,
coal peats, swampy vegetation rich
areas are also the sources of hydrogen
sulphide (H,S). Normally it does not
cause serious problems as it gets
oxidised to elemental sulphur and
sulphur dioxide. It causes some
pulmonary and respiratory disorders of
human beings and other animals.
Continuous exposure of plants to
hydrogen sulphide checks the growth
and damage the shoot system.
5. Nitrogen Oxides :
Nitric Oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide
(NO) emitted to atmosphere cause air
pollution. Nitrogen oxides are formed by
the reactions of nitrogen with oxygen at
high temperatures i.e. 1100°C and
instant cooling. In urban areas the air is
found with such oxides. All the organ-
isms i.e. plants and animals are affected
by such pollutants. Serious illness and
death of human beings resultedexp-,
osing to nitrogen dioxide. Damage of
lung, heart, liver, kidney etc. are noted in
animals inhaling nitrogen oxide for an
hour or so. (What is air pollution)
6. Ammonia :
Plants exposed to a higherconcen-
tration of ammonia are affected
seriously both in root and shoot sy-
stems. Atmospheric air is contaminated
with ammonia due to manufacture of an
hydrous ammonium fertilizers and nitric
acids. Ammonia causes the reduction of
root and shoot growth. Reduction in the
germination rate of seeds, formation
lenticles, development of abscision
layers on fruit plants are some of the
disasters caused by ammonia.
7. Hydrogen Chloride:
It is released out as a byproduct from
different chemical manufacturing
plants. Hydrogen chloride may also be
released due to combustion of c-
hlororinated hydro carbons, coal,
petroleum etc. Vegetation is greatly
affected by hydrogen chloride.
Defoliation, chlorosis in plants are
observed due to exposure to hydrogen
8. Hydrogen Fluoride:
This air pollutant is released from
active volcanoes, different industries
related to electro chemical reduction
plants, fertilizer industries and also
combustion of coal and petroleum
products. Vegetation are greatly
affected by it. The tips of leaves burn
away, premature flower formation,
parthenocarpy are some of the effects
played by hydrogen fluorides.
9. Photochemical Smog :
In natural condition sometimes sun
light helps the reaction of oxygen with
nitrogenous substances and h-
drocarbons like methane, ethane and
toluene to form intermediate radicals
These radicals cause the generation of
secondary pollutants like aldehyde,
formaldehyde and peroxyacetyl nitrate
(PAN) which are collectively form pho-
tochemical Smog. These secondary
pollutants are very much harmful for
both flora and fauna. Animals including
man face different problems related to
their health. Plants suffer due to fall in
photosynthesis and other biochemical
10. Ozone:
Ozone is formed in the environment
chemically by the action of ultraviolet
light on nitrogen oxide. The nitric oxide
can be oxidised to nitrogen dioxide, by
atmospheric oxygen. Sunlight splits up
nitrogen oxide again into nitric oxide
and atomic oxygen. What is air
pollution. The released atomic oxygen
combines with at mosphic oxygen
converts into ozone.
Ozone causes different problems.
Coughing, headache, pulmonary
congestion, haemorrhage etc. are
common human diseases caused by
the affect of ozone. Leaf burn,
tip-disorder, potato inflorescence
burning etc. are related to the exposure
of plants to ozone. Ozone concentration
is found increasing in the atmosphere of
big cities due to the effect of sunlight on
various waste products of combination,
causing health hazards and damage in
crop production.
11. Tobacco Smoke :
Smoking of cigarettes, hookas, bidis
etc. cause air pollution in closed
atmospheres like trains, buses auditoria
etc.What is air pollution Different types
of respiratory and pulmonary
disorders related to hear diseases of
man are caused by tobacco smoke.
Prolonged exposure of tobacco
smoke also cause the formation of
precursors for cancer in man. 12. Dust
Particles : Dust also causes the air
pollution. The particles can travel
several thousand kilometers in the
atmosphere crossing seas and deserts.
Respiratory disorders are caused due to
such pollutants. Cities and urbanized
localities are found with more dust in
the atmosphere. Industrial belts are
mostly affected by dust particles,
13. Lead and Fluorides :
Automobile exhausts are the main
sources of lead pollution of the air. Lead
arsenate is used in the manufacture of
insecticides in plastic industries too lead
is used a raw material. Point and col-
ouring industries largely use lead in
theirm anufacturing process.Atmosphere
is found to be contaminated by lead in
these localities causing lead poison in
animals and man. Vegetation is also
heavily damaged due to this pollutant.
Fluorides are released from the different
industries as a byproduct. The fluorides
cause abnormal calcification of bones
and teeth resulting their damage.
14. Agricultural Chemicals :
Unscaled applications of different
chemicals to agricultural lands like
pesticides, fungicides, herbicides,
insecticides etc. also cause air
pollution. Such pollutants cause variable
hazards on vegetation as well as
15. Hydro-Carbons:
These pollutants are comprised of
hydrogen and carbon Automobiles are
the main sources of releasing
hydrocarbons. Methane, benzopyrene
and benzene some of the common
hydrocarbons are formed due to the
partial combustion of petroleum
products mainly in two-stroke engines.
Hydrocarbons cause lung cancer;
irritation of eye, nose and throat in man
besides causing various metabolic
problems in plants and other animals.
16. Aerosol :
Particles with dimensions about 2Aº in
liquid or solid form are commonly
found in normal condition of the
These particles other than pure water
are called aerosols. Volcanic emission,
forest fire, sea spray etc. are some of
the natural causes of aerosol formation.
Seinfeld (1986) pointed out that most of
the particulate matters are added into
the atmosphere due to human int-
erference. He has categorised it into 4
groups as
(i) industrial operation
(ii) transport operation
(iii) agricultural operations
(iv) loading and transfer operation.
Aerosols cause different respiratory and
pulmonary disorders in man leading to
17. Toxic Substances :
Arsenic (ASO); 1, 4-dioxane
1,2-dibromoethane; chromium ch-
loroform; carbon tetra chloride;
asbestos; 1, 2 dichloroethane; nickel;
vinyl chloride; nitrosoamines are some
oft he toxic substance contaminating
witha tmosphere cause severe pollution.
International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) have included these toxic
substance mostly as carcinogens.
18. Air Craft Effect:
Atmosphere of modern cities is
affected by the pollutant emissions
from air crafts. Carbon monoxide and
hydrocarbons with negligible amount of
other air pollutants are released from
air crafts. The apolo lunar models
observed releasing ammonian, carbon
monoxide, oxides of nitrogen to the
atmosphere while the engine is in
We are polluting the air by many factories, industries, vehicles and volcanoes etc. We need to reduce the pollution of air for get better atmosphere or better clean oxygen. Here in this topic I explained about this to how we can polluting the air.